Greetings everyone, Sorry for the lack of content these past few months, it appears I have no motivation to work on content I guess. So, Back then, I would wake up almost every day, and check "my feed." then, after that, I would leave a review, comment on a news post that someone I know made, and then go on Discord and talk with friends. However, as of recent, I felt a big lack of energy to go and just well, do almost anything really. So, I ended up just not posting and checking posts in "my Feed."
Also, I lack ideas in terms of art and music. For art, I think there might just be no more art for a while. As for music, I just need motivation and ideas. I guess I became lazy, which is a shame, cuz' I want to make good stuff, but I guess that time is gone. -Seeko29
TL;DR: The lack of content is due to a lack of motivation and ideas, I also have lots of stuff to do in the real world as well, so I kinda lost interest in the stuff happening on Newgrounds. Again, sorry for the lack of interaction these past few months, I hope I don't come off as rude.